Friday, May 13, 2016

Looking for Peace Around The House

IT was a fine afternoon that day when I suddenly decided to come outside from my work room. I was very tired and all of my body were dying after did so many thinking activity.
I'm in the middle of the thesis deadline so I forced my body and brain to work hard. I just hope I can complete it soon so there is no more burden thing in my mind. But of course it's still far from complete. I still need time to make it perfect.
But I'm tired already. And I need some rest. Maybe just a little while...

I tried to move my body outside the laptop and try something new around the house. I walked around and let my ayes open. It was about afternoon thing that suddenly stop me. And I decided to put my body in there. When I was sitting in the grass and looked at the almost-sunset sky, it was warm, cozy, and peace.
I spent for almost thirteen minutes outside and thinking outside the deadline task. And I was very happy then, It felt like having a long holiday, I guest. Well I know it's not a big thing. But I feel thankful to have such a good opportunity to feel free like this even it's just for a while.
I think I should do something like this when I feel tired already.
©Tina Latief 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

On A Journey, One Day When It's Shinny Day

I do not remember what day when I took this pictures. But I’m no doubt that It was holiday in the middle of last semester. And it was drought too. Everything I found in there was shriveled up and almost dry.

The trees lost all its leaves, and the grass had withered to an unappealing brown. Playing outside in the middle time turn to bad idea. The sun looks beautiful as always but its shine hurt too much to the skin and head.

However it doesn’t means that there’s no beauty in that period of time. In the rest of my holiday, I collect— in my opinion— many pictures with deep meaning.
I interested in the withered grass and the bare tree in the jungle near my grandpa’s house. I think it is beautiful seeing this kind of thing in the shinny-hot season.
Well, I had no more story but pictures.
Now, let the pictures tell you the story.
©Tina Latief 2016